Graham King

December 19, 1961
England, UK
63 years and 22 days
Internet Movie Database (IMDb)

Academy Award Nominations (Winner marker =  winner  ):
Best Picture. The Aviator, Forward Pass/Appian Way/IMF Production; Miramax, Initial Entertainment Group and Warner Bros. (Germany, USA) Michael Mann and Graham King, Producers.
Winner markerBest Picture. The Departed, Warner Bros. Pictures Production; Warner Bros. Graham King, Producer.
Best Picture. Hugo, Paramount Pictures and GK Films Production; Paramount. (USA, UK, France) Graham King and Martin Scorsese, Producers.
Best Picture. Bohemian Rhapsody, A 20th Century Fox and Regency Enterprises Production; 20th Century Fox. (UK, USA) Graham King, Producer.

4 Nominations