Brian Johnson

Brian R. Johncock
Brian Johncock
Brian Johnston
June 29, 1939
Surrey, England, UK
84 years and 339 days
5’ 11” (1.8 m)
Internet Movie Database (IMDb)

Academy Award Nominations (Winner marker =  winner  ):
Winner markerVisual Effects. Alien, 20th Century-Fox Productions, Ltd.; 20th Century-Fox. (UK, USA) H. R. Giger, Carlo Rambaldi, Brian Johnson, Nick Allder and Denys Ayling.
Winner markerSpecial Achievement Award (Visual Effects). The Empire Strikes Back, Lucasfilm, Ltd. Production; 20th Century-Fox. Brian Johnson, Richard Edlund, Dennis Muren and Bruce Nicholson.
Visual Effects. Dragonslayer, Barwood/Robbins Production; Paramount. Dennis Muren, Phil Tippett, Ken Ralston and Brian Johnson.

3 Nominations